Sunday, December 25, 2011

Emily Davidson - Studio Visit

Place of Birth: Indianapolis, IN

Current Residence: Philadelphia, PA

Who and/or what is currently inspiring you: I saw Kay Sage paintings recently in Katonah, New York that have been a real source of inspiration--she was an American surrealist who painted with gravity, and was fixated on tragedy. John Divola's photo projects make me want to teleport to L.A. thirty years ago--and the recent Luigi Ghirri images at Matthew Marks were really heartbreaking for me, too. I spend a lot of time photographing signs, windows, building façades in Philly--a recent favorite is the FOREVER Granite and marble clapboard sign in Port Richmond, which looks amazing and totally eerie at sunset.
Saying: I have been reading Flannery O'Connor short stories lately, and jot down the dark, insightful things she says, like: Where you come from is gone, where you thought you were going to never was there, and where you are is no good unless you can get away from it.